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Bill Russell jumps OVER a guy from near the FT Line

Enviado: Seg Fev 25, 2013 6:07 pm
por linelson

Initial reaction upon seeing this clip of Bill Russell jumping from near the free-throw line and over a defender for a layup: WHAT?

This clip just recently surfaced, which makes me wonder: Why isn't this a play we see running on a loop alongside things like MJ's switch-hands layup, Magic Johnson's skyhook or Larry Bird's steal?

It's ridiculous.

There's almost an element of wondering if something's been added to it because it doesn't look right. The breathtaking speed and athleticism for a 6-foot-9 guy to fly over someone like that just doesn't compute.

The uploader of the video says this clip comes from 1956 when Russell was playing for the University of San Francisco. So it's not from the NBA. But honestly, it doesn't really matter to me because jumping over a human in live action is jumping over a human in live action no matter the level.

A lot of times when we evaluate greatest players, there's this addendum we put on players from the 1950s, 60s and even sometimes 70s. Yeah, but how would they do if they played now?

After seeing this clip, I'm pretty sure Bill Russell would do more than fine. He'd probably dominate everyone just like he did in his prime.

Via Red's Army

Re: Bill Russell jumps OVER a guy from near the FT Line

Enviado: Seg Fev 25, 2013 10:32 pm
por Mellinari
Porra, que absurdo!

Re: Bill Russell jumps OVER a guy from near the FT Line

Enviado: Seg Fev 25, 2013 11:17 pm
por saraiva
Chupa lebron :valca:

Re: Bill Russell jumps OVER a guy from near the FT Line

Enviado: Ter Set 10, 2013 12:27 am
por Deco

Re: Bill Russell jumps OVER a guy from near the FT Line

Enviado: Sex Jan 02, 2015 10:20 pm
por linelson

Re: Bill Russell jumps OVER a guy from near the FT Line

Enviado: Qui Fev 12, 2015 10:57 pm
por Gustavo Ganso
q doidera... monstro demais.

e o basquete evoluiu horrores, vendo pelo segundo video.